KASANE – Botswana’s economy is expected to get a boost from an improved tourism industry that has been on a strong recovery streak following a poor run in 2021 and early 2020, thanks largely to the COVID-19 pandemic.
But now with most restrictions lifted, the sector is seen as the next big thing after the minerals sector. Tourism Minister Philda Kereng says the sector has been leading the country in terms of recovery and setting standards for post-COVID-19 trade. Speaking at the annual Hospitality and Tourism Association of Botswana (HATAB) conference held on Friday, Kereng said while the tourism sector was severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic it has since found its feet and that there are signs of recovery. Kereng further credited COVID-19 with expanding Botswana’s tourism offer beyond flora and fauna, saying which she says would add to the sector’s contribution to the country’s GDP.
“There is a tourist that emerged fromCOVID-19,” said Kereng. “People wanted to engage in activities that are beyond traditional tourism.”
For many years now, economic diversification has become a mantra adopted by Botswana as the pitfalls of leaning too heavily on minerals, chiefly diamonds, becomes more and more clear. The Government has so far spent a fortune trying to diversify the economy away from diamonds, but thus far, there has been very little to show for its troubles. Official figures show that tourism contributed 13.1% to Botswana’s GDP in 2019, up from 6.3% in 2000. In 2019, the travel and tourism sector employed 8.9 percent% of Botswana’s workforce, with principal tourist attractions being game reserves, wildlife and the wilderness.
While Botswana’s visitors are dominated by Southern African countries, the country is a firm favourite among American, German and UK travellers. According to the latest Tourism arrivals data shared by Statistics Botswana on Friday, overseas visitors to Botswana accounted for 61.5% (12,291), constituting 26.6% (5,313) from the US, 17.6% (3,518) from Germany and 17.3% (3,460) from the UK. These represent the top three visitors to Botswana.
Tourists residing in the top 10 SADC countries made up 90.4% (323,957) of the total number of tourists during the year under review, with South Africa and Zimbabwe being the biggest contributors at 43.5%(140,816) and 34.6% (112,150) respectively.
Source: https://www.sundaystandard.info/botswana-looks-to-tourism-sector-to-heal-the-economy/