Debswana invests P3 billion in Jwaneng, Letlhakane tailing plants

Debswana Diamond Company has invested over P3 billion on infrastructures and cutting edge technology at Jwaneng and Letlhakane tailings plants, each with an asset life of 20 years, according to Minister of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security, Lefoko Moagi.

Moagi said that the Debswana’s Resource Development Plan (RDP) utilises all known resources under Debswana’s portfolio, and the tailing resources are part of the RDP. Moagi further stated that Letlhakane mine and Jwaneng mine tailings are part of current operations producing circa 800k carats each annually through their processing facilities known as the Letlhakane Tailings Plant (LTP) and Jwaneng Modular Plant (JMP). He said Orapa tailings are part of the RDP and will be processed and exploited towards the end of Run of Mine carats from Jwaneng underground in the 2040s.

“Damtshaa mine tailings are yet to be sampled for grade and revenue estimates,” he stated.

Minister Moagi believes that while the mines optimise their processes to recover as much as possible from the resources, leaving very little in the tailings, under the long-term Mine Closure Plan, Debswana will conduct a due diligence exercise to determine the financial value of the tailings. This will inform the value of all possible business options. He further said the prevailing diamond market and diamond recovery technology advancements would determine the value.

He went on to say the Debswana 2024 strategy promotes citizen economic empowerment, and the company is actively exploring opportunities to outsource some of its services based on good business cases.

“In terms of tailings treatment, Debswana has not outsourced this, as it is currently been done as part of the bigger Debswana production activities as per the production plan,” said Moagi.

He stated that Jwaneng Mine has a complement of 475 positions, of which 440 have been filled.  Also, recruitment is ongoing for the remaining positions, with an additional 398 people employed by contractors. He spoke of the overall employment complement through FTCs, OEMs and Contractors stands, which he said comes to 873 employees. Moagi said previously, Majwe Mining had 617 employees, inclusive of expatriates.

Minister Moagi that Orapa Cut 3 project, which is currently at an extended pre-feasibility-B stage, will see various mining sequences and production schedules being explored. This is  with the objective of delivering the most optimal business case for its implementation. He said Debswana envisages s that through the Cut 3 Project, Orapa Mine will transform into a renewed source for further economic growth in the Boteti region.


4 years ago

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